Mountains to Meadows Trailfest

Join us for the inaugural Mountains to Meadows Trailfest, a four-day, end-of-the-season festival in Quincy, California, celebrating trails and community and benefiting the work of the Sierra Buttes Trail Stewardship. Dig in the dirt on Mount Hough during the day, join the Poker Run/Ride showcasing some of the best trails in the Lost Sierra, then […]

Mountains to Meadows Trailfest

Join us for the inaugural Mountains to Meadows Trailfest, a four-day, end-of-the-season festival in Quincy, California, celebrating trails and community and benefiting the work of the Sierra Buttes Trail Stewardship. […]

Blairsden Community Market

Blairsden Community Market - Blairsden Garden Center Parking Lot from 10am-1pm

Lil’ Megs Pumpkin Patch

Lil' Megs Pumpkin Patch from 10am-4pm at the Whittemore Family Farm Beckwourth

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